ONE other delightful breakfast treat that I made with a few slices of the soft and delicious loaf bread baked and sent by Chef Rae Aldrin Hao Lim of Conspire Bakery, courtesy of good friend Bel Castro, was French Toast. The bread slices were big and thick and therefore perfect for French Toast. It is simple and easy.
3-4 slices Conspire Bakery loaf bread
1 egg
1/2 cup fresh milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1. Beat egg, milk, vanilla and cinnamon together. Pour into a square or rectangular shallow dish.
2. Heat nonstick pan. Brush with butter.
3. Soak a slice of bread in the egg mixture. Turn to coat the other side. Place in hot pan and cook over medium heat until browned. Turn to cook the other side.
4. Remove bread from pan, and repeat until all bread slices have been used up.
5. Serve with butter and honey/maple syrup/pancake syrup.